

Hi! I’m Noorul from Malaysia, a wife and a mother. For any collab, reviews, sponsorships, adverts or invitation can contact me via email ❤

Trip ke Pulau Redang Part 2

Ok jom sambung post kita yang lepas tentang trip ke Pulau Redang. Buat yang tertanya tanya apa aktiviti kat sana nanti, pantai dia cantik ke tak, Redang Lagoon Chalet tu best ke tak, makanan dia sedap ke tak, dalam post…

Hooks – Custom Theme Elements

Dispatch uses a few Hook Elements to create some Custom Elements in the site. All of them provide dynamic output and should not require any changes to their content. For more info on the Hooke Element read here: Hooks Element…

Page and Post Heroes

Page Heroes are those big bold images and headlines you find at the top of your posts and pages. They sit just below the Site Header and added using the Header Element module, when activated provides the Elements menu in…

How to change the Custom Colors

Changing Colors in Dispatch are mainly done via the Theme Customizer. Certain elements such as Page Heros are controlled within the Header Element and are covered in that article. There are a few colors that are controlled by CSS. The…

Style Guide

Heading One H1 Heading Two H2 Heading Three H3 Heading Four H4 Heading Five H5 Heading Six H6 Font: Playfair Playfair is a transitional design. In the European Enlightenment in the late 18th century, broad nib quills were replaced by…

Trip ke Pulau Redang Part 1

Seronok tak Pulau Redang Noorul? Seronok yang amat! Enjoy dan sangat tenang, tambah-tambah kalau pakej Pulau Redang yang kita pilih bersesuaian. Percutian kali ni Noorul ajak sekali semua staff untuk rehatkan kepala, sebab masing-masing dah perform yang terbaik masa bulan…

A Sample Post with Comments

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor…